Essential Infomation.


Last/Family name 
First/Given name  

Online name

used at the announcement of the results.
Please enter your real name if you don't need it.

Date of Birth

 Day  Month  Year

Select an Application Method


*You will be disqualified if you are under the age for application.


*Please provide an accurate address so that you can receive your prize.

Postal Code 
Area U.S.A.
Street, Building, Floor, Apt, or Unit# 

Telephone No.

 -  - 

E-mail Address

*If mail reception domain is restricted, please cancel the reception restriction of "" domain.

Confirming E-mail Address

*Enter the same address for confirmation.

Title of Entry

Gunpla Used

Please describe what you have done on your model.(2000 character limit with spaces)

If you are using a kit other than a genuine GUNPLA kit, please describe it in detail.

Image 1(Front View)

Image 2(Back View)

Image 3(Right View)

Image 4(Left View)

Image 5(Appealing Point)

  Image 6

  Image 7

  Image 8

  Image 9

  Image 10

*All images must be in JPEG format.
*The pixel size of each image must be within 4000 pixels on each side.
*Please make sure that the images are of good quality.
*Entries with low quality images (with less than 150 dpi) may be disqualified.
*Entrants are fully responsible for any cost of internet access and data fees for entry.


 》Please click here (opens in a new page).

 》Please click here (opens in a new page).

 》Please click here (opens in a new page).

■ If you cannot upload…

If the application form does not work, please send an E-mail with the data of your application to the following address.
When we receive your E-mail properly, we will send you an E-mail to inform you that your application has been accepted.