
原型為瘟神鋼彈的備用零件機,因敗戰所以武裝被銷毀,C.E 72年在歐洲拍賣會上被回收商買下。經過改造後利用Strike Noir背包裝備改裝成近戰專用機體,並命名為巨斧型瘟神鋼彈。後來被西歐地區某古老貴族購入作為收藏品,並在機體加上象徵歐洲貴族傳統的紋飾。到C.E 73年時,在毀滅鋼彈進行侵攻時,富商的小兒子(自然人)駕駛巨斧型瘟神鋼彈出擊進行防衛作戰,最後生死不明。

While nicely appropriating parts from various GUNPLA models, it succeeded in creating a well-balanced form, and the white and blue coloring also successfully expresses the sense of unity.
The gold emblems placed in various parts of the body are not too showy, and effective as accents to the aircraft. The newly equipped huge axe-shaped armament is also effective in expressing the originality of the unit.