
半年來在爸爸的帶領下,我完成了數十隻組裝模型 (包含:SD, HG, RG, MG, PG)。從剪件、打磨、噴漆、墨線到水貼都很有經驗。吉翁軍一直是我的最愛,我的第一個模型是 HG 沙薩比,而這是我的第五隻萬代模型「精神感應薩克」,和大家一起分享!

The Psycho Zaku is a Mobile Suit known for its variety of weapons, and the equipment on this model has been painted using various colors, while resulting in a cohesive appearance that matches the Psycho Zaku. Adding your own unique markings to the propellant tanks and armaments may make it look even more exciting.