Essential Infomation.


Last/Family name 
First/Given name  

Online name

used at the announcement of the results.
Please enter your real name if you don't need it.

Date of Birth

 Day   Month   Year 


*Minor entrants must have parent or legal guardian's consent.


Postal Code 
State and/or Province 
Street and City 
Building,Floor,Apt, or Unit# 

Telephone No.

 -  - 

E-mail Address

*Enter the same address for confirmation.
*If mail reception domain is restricted, please cancel the reception restriction of "" domain.

Confirming E-mail Address

*Enter the same address for confirmation.

Title of Entry

Gunpla Used

Please describe what you have done on your model.(2000 character limit with spaces)

If you are using a kit other than a genuine GUNPLA kit, please describe it in detail.

Image 1(Front View)

Image 2(Back View)

Image 3(Right View)

Image 4(Left View)

Image 5(Appealing Point)

  Image 6

  Image 7

  Image 8

  Image 9

  Image 10

*All images must be in JPEG format.
*The pixel size of each image must be within 4000 pixels on each side.
*Please make sure that the images are of good quality.
*Entries with low quality images (with less than 150 dpi) may be disqualified.
*Entrants are fully responsible for any cost of internet access and data fees for entry.


 》Please click here (opens in a new page).

 》Please click here (opens in a new page).

 》Please click here (opens in a new page).

■ If you cannot upload…

If the application form does not work, please send an E-mail with the data of your application to the following address.
When we receive your E-mail properly, we will send you an E-mail to inform you that your application has been accepted.